Why not just use a screw or a nail?
Metal fasteners attract moisture through condensation, eventually degrading the wood in which they reside, causing the joint to be compromised.
Screws and nails have a higher specific gravity than the surrounding wood. When wood moves due to stress, changes in relative humidity, or vibration, the screw will compress the wood around it, causing the hole to enlarge. This is one reason why in furniture made with screws, you must tighten the screws to reseat them after a period of adjustment in your home.
Wooden fasteners are clearly safer than their metal equivalents. Injuries caused by nail-pops or splintering from countersunk screws are eliminated through the use of Miller Dowels.
Exposed metal fasteners are generally considered unsightly. It is for this reason that carpenters often take an extra step to insert a plug, which takes more time and frequently needs to be re-glued in order to stay put.
Finally, even a high-grade stainless steel screw or nail does not agree with wood as well as a wooden fastener does. Cracks can originate from a metal fastener in a deck plank after a single year. Yet, Amish barns constructed with pegs and untreated wood continue to survive year after year. Wood joins better with wood fasteners.
Can you sharpen the TruFit Drill Bit?
It is possible to sharpen the TruFit Drill bit by hand or with a sophisticated grinding machine. The tip may be sharpened with a widely available Drill Doctor sharpener. Because the relationship between the pilot hole and the Miller Dowel is so crucial, we do not recommend sharpening the drill bit more than once or twice. Our TruFit Drill bit is made from industrial strength high-speed steel to tolerances of .002". They are quality tools, which should provide a long service life before sharpening or replacement.
How do I replace my defective 1X TruFit Drill Bit?
It has come to our attention that a small number of our Miller TruFit Drill Bits were ground improperly, causing the topmost section and/or the second section to cut poorly, or not at all. If you have experienced this problem with your 1X drill bit, please call our toll-free number at (866) 966-3734 for a free replacement drill bit.
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